Organs for sale

Manufacture and sale of church organs

At P.G. Andersen & Bruhn ApS, it is of great importance to us to create a unique and well-sounding instrument that is useful in any church context. We manufacture and sell organs to all of Denmark and the rest of the world. As a starting point, no two organs are alike, and therefore it is important for us to keep the local church conditions in mind when we design and plan the manufacture of a new instrument. In addition, it is important for us to follow the development of organs and apply the latest technologies in the field. Our professional education and many years of experience in the field enable us to manufacture church instruments that constitute a comfortable workplace for the organist and are well-sounding for church visitors. In addition to making new instruments, we also have old organs for sale, which we take care of restoring and optimizing so that it can be used in the country's churches. Through thorough craftsmanship, we ensure that the instrument retains its original design and techniques. At the same time, however, we make sure to update any materials and methods of manufacture so that these are in accordance with newer guidelines.

Planning unique instruments

For us, it is important to produce beautiful and well-sounding instruments that suit the individual church and the conditions in it. Therefore, we do not sell specific models, but instead always take into account your wishes, so we can plan each individual instrument carefully. For this purpose, our designers use, among other things, 3D drawing systems, so that it is possible for our customers to get a picture of the organ before it is built. We are proud to be able to handle the entire construction process of your new organ, including metal pipes and tongue voices, so we are able to deliver a high quality instrument. You are always welcome to contact us to find out more about our work with the manufacture, sale and restoration of unique church organs. We are always available on the telephone number +45 47 17 75 75.


Contact us to hear which organs we have for sale.

Phone: +45 47 17 75 75